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Shri Nirmal Coomar Sastri – Gold Medalist

Astrologer & Palmist, Vastu Consultant

The present – day world is bed of thorns where it has become absolutely next to impossible to lead a more or less steady life without a prior providence. People run hitter and thither, before going astray of and the search goes on and on.

Still, there are some true human beings, who but become the cynosure among huge mass for their extensive prowess of prophesy.

Among them, shins the refulgent Shri Nirmal Coomar Sastri, and obvious personality of éclat in the vast sphere of astrology.

This erudite man recounts vividly about the time yet to come in anyone's life, elucidating all the future corners not only of any human being but also of all the conditions of the mundane world that helps to reveal secrets of anyone from provenance and expiates through various measures of his sui generis skill. He emends the obnoxious planetary positions of a hapless person through gems and evinces the right path to lead the life of rectitude.

He hesitates not even the least to redound so as to make a human being Lead an embellished life of rectitude.

To make all lead a blithed life, Shri Nirmal Coomar Sastri has devoted himself absolutely and has become a habitué of Kamakshya Temple, Tarapith, Tarakeswar,Datia and various other obstinately holy places, where he performe, specific rites of utmost sacrosanctity. His immaculate life of a "Brahmachari" and unimaginable penance has helped him achieve an inexplicable and indefeasible power of precognition, only to emend the profane human life with all and only providence.

This is why, it can be indubitably said why he is the only recluse of predilection for which he is hallowed by so many celebrities, who have sent him words of vibrant eulogy.